Spizzerinctum Group develops and delivers essential skills, (often called soft skills), training that excites, engages, and achieves results!
We develop and implement team and individual skill development programs, as well as customized skill gap assessments and employee pulse/workplace culture surveys!
Some of our most requested programs include:
Accountability: Results Without Authority
Mastering Business Acumen: Understanding the Universal Language and Principles
Identifying & Overcoming the Blind Spots Holding You Back
Challenging the Status Quo: New Ways of Thinking and Working
Leading Change: Strategies and Tactics for Successful Transformation
Communicating Effectively: Achieving Impact, Influence and Results
Conflict Resolution Strategies: Strengthening Team Dynamics and Performance
​Critical Thinking: Achieving Innovative Problem Solving and Accelerated Success
Building and Maintaining a Culture of Alignment to Strategic Objectives
Empowerment through Delegation: Unlocking Potential
Teamwork and Collaboration: Overcoming Team Dysfunctions and Ending the Blame Game
Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace: Actionable Approaches for Improved Performance
Giving and Receiving Effective Feedback: Inspiring Growth and Achievement
Financial Management for the Non-Financial Manager
Mastering Strategic Negotiations: Essential Skills for Success
New Leader, Supervisor, Manager Training to Catapult Success
Conquering Overwhelm: Practical Planning and Organization Skills
Smart Goals Unleashed: Strategies for Success
Supervising Friends, Family, or Past Co-Workers